How to Find Local Jobs in Handshake

Are you looking for a local job while you are in school or over the summer. Local employers are looking for you. Check out the steps on how to find these opportunities in Handshake!

Step 1: Log into your Handshake account.
Step 2: Click “JOBS” on the top Menu
top of handshake student user menu
Step 3: Click on “Filters” and the screen to the right will appear with multiple options to filter your search. Scroll to the bottom of the “Filters” section. Choose the filters menu in Handshake
Step 4: Once you have scrolled to the bottom of the “Filters”, click in the “Labeled by Your School” text box. Select labels made by your school
Step 5: Once you have clicked the text box a pop-up option called “local job” will appear (see image to the right). Select that pop-up option.

Then you will see the label has been selected and will be highlighted in blue.

select local jobs pop up selection

Select Local Job Label

Step 6: Click “See Jobs” button on the right hand of the screen. Once you have clicked the button all local labeled jobs will appear for you to review. Select see jobs in the right corner of the site