Performance Concerns
Set and share clear expectations and guidelines during first supervision session
- Provide a written copy and email or print out/share with the student
- Include norms of the office (like where/how people eat lunch, use of the office kitchen, etc.)
Three-step process for performance concerns
- First, mention the concern and refer back to the expectation/guideline. Approach with curiosity and a goal for how to adjust behavior.
- E.g. if a student shows up late, discuss what is happening and discuss the best way forward, always with the students’ health and wellness top of mind.
- If the behavior continues after the verbal warning, discuss the behavior, review the plan that was developed and revise if necessary. Write up the resolution and share it with the student in writing, letting them know if the behavior continues that it will advance to a formal warning.
- If the behavior continues after the written warning, Career Success can provide a mediated conversation to review the performance plan and discuss whether or not the student will continue in the opportunity.