Drop In Career Coaching

Resume/CV and Cover Letter Review

If you would like feedback on your Resume, CV, or Cover Letter, start here:

  1. If you need help getting started, review these resources on resume and cover letter writing.
  2. Submit your document to this form. We will review it and provide written feedback within 3 business days. Please do not make an appointment until after you've received your written feedback. 
  3. If you have any questions or clarifications about the feedback, feel free to attend our drop in "Ask a Peer" hour (see below), or email CC_Coach@ucsc.edu.
  4. Once you've received feedback, update your resume.
  5. Follow the provided next steps to either make an appointment to review your final draft, or resubmit for additional written feedback.

 If you need assistance, please email CC_Coach@ucsc.edu.

Drop-in advising (no appointments needed)

Drop in at Career Success for 15-minute advising sessions with Peer Coaches and Career Engagement Specialists.

Topics covered in drop-in advising

  • Resume & cover letter feedback
  • Job and internship search tips
  • Career exploration
  • Learn about resources provided by Career Success 

Summer 2024 Quarter Hours:

See Google Calendar below for location details. Drop-in hours for the summer will be virtual via Zoom.

Monday - Friday

  • 11 am - 1 pm with Peer Coaches