Additional Online Resources

Below are resources to help you identify job opportunities in academia and beyond.

Digital Humanities Now

  • A repository for jobs, information, resources, and ideas related to Digital Humanities scholarship.

From PhD to Life

  • A History PhD career coach helps graduate students and PhDs achieve their career and life goals, especially when it comes to launching meaningful-to-them careers.

PhDs at Work

  • A network for professionals with PhDs working across industries.

The Professor Is In

  • A former tenure-track professor provides advice and consulting services on the academic job search and all elements of the academic and post-academic career. 

The Scholarpreneur

  • Scholarpreneur believes that academic knowledge should be taken to the open market so academics can earn what they deserve. and that academics can thrive if they learn how to teach in a dynamic way and market it for the masses. This website gives info on how to create online courses, ebooks, do freelancing, become a writer, or even start a business. 

Versatile PhD

  • Versatile PhD is the oldest and largest online community dedicated to non-academic and non-faculty careers for PhDs in humanities, social science, and STEM fields.

American Association of Community Colleges

  • Job bank for community college job opportunities

Chronicle of Higher Education

  • Resources for those who are new to the academic job search including topics such as the current job market, CV advice, how to search for jobs, and interviewing advice.

Find A Post Doc

  • Job board dedicated to new and recently qualified PhDs

Inside Higher Ed

  • Source for higher education jobs, news, and career advice

National Postdoctoral Association

  • Job board and career development resources

  • A free postdoctoral job board

Want to talk with someone confidentially about your job search or Dual Career Path preparation? Make an appointment with one of our Career Coaches today!