Strategies to Begin a Job Search
1. Network
- Networking is a key skill to utilize when you begin your job or internship search. Remember that networking is simply the process of meeting people and having conversations—it need not be stressful. It’s not a job interview or a sales call. Networking is a matter of connecting with as many people as you can. From this, you can develop a list of contacts to help you in your search.
- Why network? From you list of contacts you also have a list of resources that can help you learn about potential job opportunities. Also, by having a rich and diverse network you can learn more about positions, companies, and industries. Networking may also help you access “hidden” opportunities that might not be posted to the public.
- Visit our Networking page to learn more about networking.
2. Conduct a Targeted Search
- A targeted search is a search wherein you identify the types of organizations you would like to work for, develop a targeted list, and research these companies. This is a great way for you to be proactive and take charge of your search and to learn more about a position, company, or industry. This type of search can be conducted in several ways—one of which is through networking and informational interviewing—or through seeking advice from trusted colleagues or researching on your own via the web.
3. Contact or Join Professional Associations
- Professional associations are groups that are related to specific careers or fields. By joining a professional association, you can gain access to information specific to your interest and to others who are interested in similar careers. Most professional associations provide a “career opportunities” section on their webpage that provide tailored information about job opportunities. You can ask one of our career counselors, a trusted faculty member, or someone from your personal contact for recommendations. A simple Google search might also help you find relevant associations for your field.
4. Visit Career Fairs
- By attending on or off-campus career fairs, you can meet many recruiters in person and in one location. Make sure to research who will be there and to plan ahead (among other things, remember to dress professionally, bring your resume, and other necessary materials).
5. Visit the Career Center
- Visit UCSC’s Career Center and schedule a confidential appointment with one of our Career Counselors! We are here to help you navigate your job search and provide resources and materials to you.
6. Prepare Your Materials
- As you begin your job search, you will see that employers generally want to see two documents from you (and, depending on your field, maybe other documents as well such as a writing sample): your resume and a cover letter.
- Visit our Cover Letter and Resume Resources for more information about how to prepare your job documents.
7. Attend Career Workshops
- The UCSC Career Center offers workshops in a variety of topics from converting your CV to a Resume to Networking and Interviewing. Please visit our calendar to learn more about upcoming events! Want to talk to someone confidentially about your job search? Make an appointment with one of our Career Counselors today!
Want to talk with someone confidentially about your job search? Make an appointment with one of our Career Coaches today!