AI Resources

Utilizing tools like ChatGPT can enhance your job and internship search, offering valuable support throughout the process. However, it's crucial to acknowledge the distinct limitations of artificial intelligence (AI). Remember that AI is a tool to assist you, not replace the entire process. Ensure your individuality and unique personality shine through in your application materials and interviews.

Here are specific ways to leverage AI for a more effective job search, along with considerations for maximizing its benefits:

Resume Optimization:

Use AI tools to optimize your resume by identifying critical skills and qualifications relevant to the job you're applying for. This ensures that your resume stands out in applicant tracking systems.

Personalized Job Recommendations:

Take advantage of AI algorithms that provide personalized job recommendations based on your skills, preferences, and career goals. This can streamline your search by presenting opportunities tailored to your profile.

Interview Preparation:

Utilize AI-powered tools for interview preparation, receiving feedback on common questions, and practicing in simulated interview scenarios. However, remember that the human touch and authenticity are crucial during interviews.

Application Assistance:

Explore AI-driven chatbots on career websites or job platforms to obtain information on application status, required documents, and general queries. While AI can assist, maintain a personal touch in your communication.

Networking and Insights:

  • Leverage AI tools for networking by identifying key contacts in your industry and gaining insights into market trends. AI can help you stay informed, but building genuine connections remains a personal effort.
  • Be mindful of AI's limitations and use it as a supportive tool to augment your job search. Balancing technological assistance with your personal touch ensures a more comprehensive and practical approach to securing opportunities.
  • Crafting an effective resume requires time and dedication to present succinct and compelling bullet points that showcase your experience. Leveraging AI can be instrumental in generating impactful resume content.


Customize your resume by initially drafting bullet points that encapsulate your responsibilities.

Prompt ChatGPT to offer alternative versions, incorporating achievements and metrics based on the provided responsibilities from your past jobs or internships.

Considerations and Limitations:

  • AI tools provide recommendations based on industry trends, which may differ from the specific requirements of the company or position you are targeting.
  • The tool relies on input information, so be vigilant for irregularities, discrepancies, or repetitive details.
  • Avoid inputting highly sensitive or personal information into tools like ChatGPT.

Career Services Tools:

  • Take advantage of Career Success Services' free access to __________, an online resume review tool offering personalized feedback.
  • Familiarize yourself with resume best practices provided by the Career Success Center to enhance the overall quality of your resume.
  • Tailoring your cover letter is a crucial step in the job application process, and while generative AI tools like ChatGPT can expedite the writing phase, it's essential not to rely solely on AI. You must edit and personalize the content to achieve a genuine and professional end product. Here's a guide on using AI effectively in your cover letter customization:


Initiate with your written cover letter and prompt ChatGPT to suggest alternative ways to articulate sentences or sections. Alternatively, input the following prompt into ChatGPT:

Write a cover letter for this job description (paste the job description).

That uses these experiences (paste resume content).

Using this cover letter framework (paste the cover letter).

Write a cover letter for this job description (paste the job description).

That uses these experiences (paste resume content).

Using this cover letter framework (paste the cover letter).

Experiment with multiple iterations to discover the versions that resonate best with your unique voice.

Considerations and Limitations:

After obtaining AI-generated content, edit the letter by copying it into a document editor (e.g.,
Word or Google Docs).

Include relevant details like a header, signature, and the company's contact information.

Tailor the letter to showcase your understanding of the company and position.

Be vigilant for potential spelling mistakes and typos introduced by AI; proofread and make necessary adjustments to ensure accuracy.

In the current digital era, the influence of AI has transformed education and career readiness, opening up limitless possibilities. Platforms like ChatGPT, Google Bard, Claude, and Microsoft

Bing serve as invaluable resources, but their efficacy depends on responsible and appropriate usage.

When contemplating the potential application of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools to enhance your academic and career journey, prioritize ethics and responsibility. Let these principles guide you through higher education and propel you toward career success with integrity.

Commit to employing AI assistance honorably. While these platforms can autonomously generate documents like resumes, cover letters, and personal statements, infuse your unique voice and personality using personal vocabulary. Employers seek to understand you, not just AI.

Explore the following suggestions to integrate ChatGPT ethically into your job and internship search process.

Stay mindful of your ABCs, and recognize the limitations of generative AI. For instance, as of August 2023, ChatGPT has information only up to September 2021, potentially leading to outdated or misleading outputs. It may also produce incorrect or biased content. Avoid sharing sensitive or personally identifiable information, as generative AI heavily relies on data input, and exercising caution is essential.

While these platforms contribute to career preparation, remember the value of human insights.

Collaborate with the University Career Success Center and other on-campus resources to ensure ethical and responsible use of these tools.